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ternyata berawal di US

SELAMA ini Meksiko dianggap sebagai episentrum wabah flu babi yang sudah menyebar hampir ke lima benua. Namun, kemarin dengan berani Menteri Kesehatan Meksiko Jose Angel Cordova mengatakan bahwa sebenarnya kandang virus H1N1 yang merupakan kombinasi virus flu babi, burung, dan manusia itu Amerika Serikat (AS).

''Saya rasa amat berisiko untuk mengatakan atau ingin mengatakan asal penyebaran virus ini. Yang jelas, sebelum kasus pertama flu babi muncul di Meksiko, ada kasus serupa yang dilaporkan terjadi di California bagian selatan dan Texas,'' kata Cordova dalam sebuah konferensi pers di Mexico City kemarin, seperti dikutip Associated Press.

Pernyataan Cordova itu diperkuat oleh penegasan Dr Nancy Cox dari Badan Pencegahan dan Kontrol Penyakit AS yang berbasis di Atlanta. Cox yakin bahwa kasus flu babi paling awal terjadi di AS, tepatnya pada 28 Maret. Sedangkan kasus pertama di Meksiko baru terjadi awal April ketika seorang bocah berusia 4 tahun di Negara Bagian Veracruz dinyatakan positif tertulari flu babi. Tapi, belum diketahui kapan persisnya bocah itu mulai tertular.

Fakta lain yang mendukung tudingan Meksiko itu adalah sejarah wabah flu di AS. Kematian yang diakibatkan flu bukanlah hal baru di Negeri Paman Sam itu. Selama 1990-an, rata-rata 36.000 warga AS meninggal dunia akibat penyakit yang berkaitan dengan influenza. (war/ttg)


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Virus Flu Babi di Meksiko

MEKSIKO - Kepanikan melanda Meksiko kemarin. Virus flu babi yang merupakan percampuran virus flu babi, burung, dan manusia hingga tadi malam WIB (25/5) telah mengakibatkan 70 orang tewas di negeri sombrero tersebut. Padahal, baru tiga hari lalu Presiden Felipe Calderon mengumumkan kemunculannya.

Dikhawatirkan, penyakit mematikan itu akan meluas ke negeri tetangga Meksiko, Amerika Serikat. Seperti dilansir Associated Press, di luar korban meninggal, total 1.004 orang telah tertulari dan delapan di antaranya terdapat di Amerika Serikat.

Bahkan, laporan terakhir menyebutkan, ada lebih dari 75 siswa sekolah di New York yang menderita gejala flu itu.

Hal itulah yang memaksa Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) bergerak cepat. Daily Telegraph menulis, kemarin Ketua WHO Margareth Chan mempersingkat kunjungan di Washington dan segera kembali ke markas besar organisasinya di Jenewa, Swiss. Chan melakukan koordinasi dengan jajarannya untuk mengambil langkah-langkah antisipasi.

Pemerintah Meksiko sudah pasti bergerak lebih dahulu. Sejak Jumat lalu (24/4), pemerintah mengumumkan bagi siapa pun yang merasa sakit dianjurkan untuk tidak pergi ke mana pun. Warga yang sehat diminta menjauhi tempat publik, menghindari siapa pun yang terlihat sakit, dan memakai masker ke mana pun ketika pergi. Pemerintah mengerahkan tentara untuk membagi-bagikan masker di jalanan kota-kota besar negeri itu.

Warga diminta tidak berjabat tangan dan mencium pipi serta tidak berbagi makanan dan alat makan. Bahkan, tempat-tempat umum, seperti sekolah dan museum, ditutup. Pertandingan sepak bola pun digelar tanpa penonton.

Ilmuwan sejak setahun lalu telah memperhatikan dan memperingatkan bahwa flu pembunuh itu bisa berevolusi. Yaitu, ketika virus menginfeksi babi, manusia, atau burung bercampur. Virus tersebut bisa menyebar secara cepat karena manusia tidak memiliki pertahanan alami untuk melawannya. Gejala penyakit itu adalah demam, batuk, dan sakit tenggorokan. Bahkan, beberapa pasien di AS disertai muntah dan diare. Korban rata-rata berusia 25 hingga 45 tahun.

''Virus itu bermutasi dari babi dan kemudian dikirim ke manusia,'' kata Menteri Kesehatan Meksiko Jose Angel Cordova, seperti dikutip Daily Mail.

Pusat Pencegahan dan Pengontrolan Penyakit AS (CDC) menjelaskan bahwa virus tersebut adalah virus influenza A yang berkode H1N1 berisi tipe DNA burung, babi, dan manusia. Termasuk di dalamnya virus babi dari Eropa dan Asia. Mereka memang belum pernah menemui virus seperti itu sebelumnya.

WHO menugaskan ahli CDC dan petugas kesehatan Kanada untuk mempelajari contoh yang dikirim dari Meksiko dan beberapa negara di sekitar Amerika Latin. Mereka memonitor setiap pengunjung yang datang dengan pesawat asal Meksiko. Markas PBB WHO juga berhubungan setiap hari dengan AS, Kanada, dan Meksiko.

CDC menginformasikan bahwa dua obat flu, yaitu Tamiflu dan Relenza, untuk sementara bisa digunakan. Keduanya harus segera diminum supaya hasilnya lebih efektif. Dua pabrik penghasil obat tersebut menyatakan siap berproduksi dalam jumlah besar. Menurut pengakuan Cordova, Meksiko memiliki jumlah Tamiflu yang cukup untuk satu juta penduduknya. (war/ttg)


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''anti mega''di facebook

JAKARTA — Grup Say No!!! to Megawati di situs jejaring sosial Facebook sulit untuk dikategorikan sebagai kampanye hitam dan dijerat dengan UU Nomor 10 Tahun 2008 tentang Pemilu.

Anggota Badan Pengawas Pemilu (Bawaslu), Wahidah Suaib, yang dihubungi melalui telepon, mengatakan, di dalam Pasal 84 tentang Larangan Kampanye, sanksi hanya dapat dikenai jika kampanye hitam dilakukan oleh peserta, pertugas, atau pelaksana kampanye parpol.

Artinya, jika itu bukan dari ketiga unsur tersebut, tak bisa dikenai pidana pemilu. "Kita harus lihat dulu, siapa yang melaksanakan grup tersebut, ketiga unsur tadi, karena ada pembatasan dalam konteks UU Pemilu. Ada pembatasan dalam pasal ini hanya untuk aktivitas dalam kampanye," ungkapnya.

"Saya menduga grup itu hanyalah gerakan masyarakat sipil untuk mengkritisi calon-calon pemimpin ke depan atau kemungkinan juga ada dari simpatisan parpol tertentu. Hanya, kalau mau dipidana pemilu, ya agak sulit," katanya.

Sementara itu, jika dalam beberapa hari ke depan ada laporan dari masyarakat, individu, ataupun pihak tertentu mengenai grup ini, Bawaslu harus melakukan langkah pengkajian. "Kami mengkaji dulu kalau ada laporan, itu benar-benar kelompok milik parpol atau enggak. Kalo misalnya yang dirugikan itu merasa dicemarkan nama baiknya, itu masuk pidana umum," tuturnya.

Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, dalam beberapa hari terakhir grup "Anti-Mega" kian banyak diikuti oleh para pengguna internet yang tergabung di dalam situs Facebokk. Di dalam grup tersebut terpampang berbagai penyataan yang umumnya berisi keluhan hingga cacian terhadap mantan Presiden RI tersebut. Sulit untuk diketahui siapa pemilik grup yang kini sudah memiliki anggota lebih dari 34.000 orang tersebut.

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viagra may face stiff challenge

German researchers are testing an impotency treatment for menmade with all-natural ingredients that supposedly can work better than viagra.

"In clinical trials,50 men had much better sex afterwards-more fun in bed-and just generally felt better about themselves,"the Sueddeutsche Zeitung cited Olaf Schroeder from berlin's charite hospital as saying.
"Their libido was even higher than the control group taking viagra."
The potent coctail includes tribulus terrestris,a herb already used in alternative medicine,a root vegetable found in the andes in south americacalled maca,and grape juice extract.
The treatment,dubbed"plantagrar"is due to be lunched early next year,the bild daily said.
But some of those tested had to put up with unwelcome side effects.
"Two of the subjects had bad diarrhoea,"the berliner kurier quoted schroeder as saying.

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male prostitution

Hong Kong
Growing numbers of male prostitues from around the region are coming to hong kong to work,according to a United States government report.

The lates US state Department report on human rights warns"an increasing number of men"are offering sex-for-sale services in the city.
A local support group for male sex workers says they are paid between HK$1,000 and HK$5,000 for their services and that most of their clients are men.
Referring to the sex trade in general,the US report sys:"The overwhelming majority were women,although an increasing number of young men came to work as homosexual prostitues.
"Most come from rural areas of the mainland,thailand or the philippines on 14-day tourist visas.
"While many go on their own,some are lured by criminal syndicates with promises of financial rewards,while some face circumtances of debt bondage."
The report also cites Macau as a transit and destination point for women trafficked for the purposes of sexual servitude.

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Apakah qm percaya persahabatan itu ada?..bagaimana persahabatan itu bisa ada?..
sebuah kebutuhan atau takdir qm bisa jadi sahabat qu?..
tp aq percaya persahabatan itu ada..

dan sahabat sejati akan selalu hadir dalam kehidupan kita,,baik itu senang atau susah..
tak perlu berkata ia pasti mendengar,,semua cerita akan tercampur dengan bumbu kisahnya..
menegur kala kita salah mengambil langkah,,menyokong kala kita mengambil satu keputusan..
bertanggung jawab walau tak ikut menyebabkan,,meniupkan hawa kedamaian kala kita terbalut dalam emosi..
dan selalu seperti itu hingga takdir memisahkan..

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Baru saja kutulis namamu di diary harianku
Belum habis semua rasa bahagia kutuang
Haruskah kini kutuliskan tentang lara,
tentang kesendirian yang tak kutau akhirnya ?

Ku tau kau takkan pernah menjawabnya
Sebab kau pergi saat ku masih ternganga
Terbuai segala pesona rasa jatuh cinta
Haruskah kurobek semua seolah tak pernah ada ?

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Hong Kong.
Nearly a quarter of Secondary two and three studants in Tseung Kwan O believe sex for money is acceptable,according to a survey.

Conducted by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong,the survey of 1,265 junior secondary studants found 4.1 percent thought adolescent prostitution was acceptable,while another 2.6 percent also thought so but would keep it from friends.
Together with 17.3 percent who said they condoned peers engaging in prostitution,some 24 percent took a rether casual attitude toward sex,ELCHK service officer Maggie Cheung Yin-Lei said.
"The mass media seldom mention the consequences of early sexual behavior.studants are not mature enough to have independent thinking skills needed to deal with these situations,"she said.
About 16.5 percent said it was acceptableto have sex without love and other 16.5 percent had no qualms in having more than one partner at a time.
Despite the fact that sex for people under 16 is illegal,14 percent did not think this was an issue.
An overwhelming pecentage of youths still entertained notions of traditonal sexual piety while 30 percent expressed fears of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.
The survey found 27 percent saying they had falling in love-42 percent of them doing so in primary school.

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French "Spider man"Alain Robert yesterday completed his second assault on the 62-story Cheung Kong center to raise awareness of global warming.
He was publicizing website,which is counting down the dayuntil efforts to rein in global warming pass the point of no return.
The 46-year-old from bourgogne scaled the tower in 40 minutes,watched by thousandsof onlookers and switching between the building's east and north facades just 10 stories from the roof to avoid heavy winds.
Robert said the stant was part of a three-year campaign leading up to the global warming summit in denmark at the end of the year.
He said he would do two-to-three more climbs.
Robert fell into the clutches of security guards at the top of the 283-meter building and was later released.
He previously scaled the far east finance center in 1996,the cheung kong center in 2005 and the four seasons hotel last year.
Robert complimented Hong kong authorities as"much more civilized"compared to those in new york,where he dodged a conviction for trespassing and rekless endangerment last year after he climbed the new york Times building.

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Hong kong's population has passed the seven million mark.
The number of people living here was 7,008,900 at the end of 2008,up 56,100 or 0.8 percenton the previous year,according to the Cencus and Statistics Department.
The figure included 78,700births,41,300 deaths and 18,700 newcomers,mostly from the mainland.
Births and inflows of one-way permit holders were up to 74 percent year on year at 41,600.
The numbers of births and deaths increased last year.The 78,700births represented a 140 percent year-on-year increase,while the 41,300 deaths were 74 percent more than in 2007.
Hong kong has one of the world's lowest fertility rates,with less than one baby born for every woman of chlid-bearing age.
The population has grown by 211,200 over the pass five years,and the government says it could hit 8.38 million by 2033.
Hong kong university social work and social administration professor Joe Lung Cho-bun urged the government to formulate population policies.
He said most new mainland residents come from lower social strata,while more Hong kong people are moving across the border.
"The overall quality of Hong kong population is deteriorating and cannot cater to the needs of the economy.We need of the comprehensive population policy to maintain our competitiveness in asia,"he said.

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Britain's youngest father,13-year-old Alfie Patten,has reignited the debate about teenage pregnancyafter his 15-year-old girlfriend gave birth to a daughter .
Alfie,whose voice has not broken,became an unlikely celebrity after the sun revealed he had fathered Maisie Roxanne with Chantelle Steadman.
The boy was 12 and Chantelle 14 when they conceived after a bout of unprotected sex.
the shy Alfie told The sun that he and Chantelle decided against bortion when they found she was pregnant-by then three months-because "i thought it would be good to have a baby."
They kept it a secret for six weeks,fearing thier patrents' reaction.
"we didn't think we would needed help from our parents,"said Chantelle,who lives with unemployed parents Steve,43,and Penny,38and four younger brothers.
"You don't really think about that when you find out you are just think your parents will kill you."
Asked what he would do to support the child financially,Alfie ask in a high-pitchedvoice:"what's financially?"
Still,police and child services officers in Eastbourne,southeast England,said they were offering support to both young people.
The girl was taking birth controlpills but miss one,the sun reported.
Alfie father,Dannis,who has nine childrenand is separated from the boy's mother,Nicola,said his son did not really understand the enormity of his situation.
"When i spoke to him about the pregnancy he started crying.He said it was the first time he'd had sex,that he didn't know what he was doing and of the complications that could come."
Maisie's birth has been greeted by widespread criticisem.Former Conservative party leader Iain Duncan Smith said it was a tragic example of Britain's social decline.
As for prime minister Gordon Brown,he said:"i don't know the individual details of the case,but of course I think all of us would want to avoid teenage pregnancies."
Britain has one of highest teen pregnancy rates in europe.about 39,000 girls under age 18 became pregnant in 2006.more than 7,000 were youger than 16.There were 27 birth per 1,000 girls age 15-19 between 2000 and 2005.
Comparable figures are 10 per 1,000for spain,eight in 1,000 in France,and five in 1,000for the Netherlands.
Britain's teens pregnancy rate,however,is far below that of the United States,with 44 births per 1,000 girls age 15-19.It is more in line with countries such as Australia and New Zealand,which respectively have 17 and 27 births per 1,000 girls age 15-19.

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