male prostitution

Hong Kong
Growing numbers of male prostitues from around the region are coming to hong kong to work,according to a United States government report.

The lates US state Department report on human rights warns"an increasing number of men"are offering sex-for-sale services in the city.
A local support group for male sex workers says they are paid between HK$1,000 and HK$5,000 for their services and that most of their clients are men.
Referring to the sex trade in general,the US report sys:"The overwhelming majority were women,although an increasing number of young men came to work as homosexual prostitues.
"Most come from rural areas of the mainland,thailand or the philippines on 14-day tourist visas.
"While many go on their own,some are lured by criminal syndicates with promises of financial rewards,while some face circumtances of debt bondage."
The report also cites Macau as a transit and destination point for women trafficked for the purposes of sexual servitude.


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